A Home Management Binder is the perfect way to store important family documents and keep valuable information in one place!
Home Organization Binder
Years ago I was inspired to make my own home organization binder after visiting my college roommate. Her family had just been evacuated from their home as wild fires burned through their neighborhood. She showed me her family’s binder with all their important documents and some cash in the front pocket. She kept this binder handy so she could use it every day, and so she could grab it on her way out the door during an emergency. This binder brought her peace of mind in a time of pure frenzy! Here is an example –
During the evacuation, she didn’t have enough gas in her car to make it off the mountain safely. The power was out in the entire area and gas stations weren’t taking credit cards. (I never have cash on me!!!) Because of the cash in her binder she could fill up her tank and be on their way!
So grab all the papers floating around your home. Write down the information that is crowding your brain, and let’s get started!
How to Make a Home Management Binder
- home management binder printables (link below)
- 3-ring binder
- tabbed dividers
Post-It notes, pens, plastic sheet protectors etc.
- Download and print our binder printables.
- Gather any information you’d like to include.
- Put all the info in your binder.
- Keep your binder in a safe, but handy location.
- Update as necessary.
home management binder printables
Our 16-page home binder pack comes with –
- 4 different cover styles – pick your favorite!
- auto and home maintenance logs
- babysitter notes
- emergency contact info
- menu planning worksheet
- family activities worksheet
- important dates
- insurance info
- family and home goals
- logs to keep track of school & pet info
- utilities log
Not included –
- emergency cash. 🙂
Other items you might want to add:
- cleaning printables
- calendar
- budget + bill paying
- gift giving
- shopping list
- insurance cards
- medical prescription information
- copies of birth certificates and passports
- school calendars
- take out menus
Grab a binder and get started today!
Click HERE to download your binder printables!
Have you made a binder yet? Is there anything in yours we don’t have on our list?
Leave us a comment and tell us all about it!
Have fun!
I can’t get the link to work to the download.
Unfortunately, this isn’t one of our free downloads. The link takes you to where you can purchase it in our shop.
Love your tips! Will definitely be attempting to build this over the next week. I’ve thought about it for a long time but now that our preschooler activity blog is growing (BusyBagCentral.blogspot.com), I need better ways of managing the site plus the house plus my preschoolers!
We’ll feature your post as a link-up on the blog once I complete the binder. Thanks for your tips!
What a great idea! I am going to make a binder this weekend! Thanks for sharing!
lovely binder! will this finally be the month that I really do the household binder? i’ve been talking about it for a year and still haven’t pulled it all together….