Today we are sharing a free speed cleaning printable to help you get your house clean quickly!

How to Speed Clean Successfully
Hosting house guests is actually one of my favorite things to do! Whether they stay for an hour or a week, I really love having friends and family visit my home.
But what do you do when you get an unexpected call from a surprise visitor saying “I’m on my way!” … we all have those times, right?
Instead of panicking or giving up, take what little time you have to make your house presentable!
Several years ago, I read an idea from FlyLady called “Crisis Cleaning.” It’s the best way I have found to help you in your crazy dash to clean your house before the visitors get to your door! I’d recommend reading the full article (I’d actually recommend reading the entire site, but you have company coming! Don’t get sidetracked right now!)
Here are some other posts that can help you stay successful in your speed cleaning:
- 30 day de-clutter challenge
- Deep cleaning the kitchen checklist
- Keep your house clean – 5 things to do every day
speed cleaning printable checklist
Today I wanted to share with each of you the printable outline I made so you can grab it at a moment’s notice… because sometimes when preparing for house guests, a moment’s notice is all the time we have to prepare! You can grab the color or b&w version: put it in a binder with a sheet protector, laminate it, etc. so you can keep it looking great even after a billion uses! 😉
Nothing feels better than a clean house!
Now my only questions is, what kind of music do you listen to while speed cleaning? I need to make a new playlist!
This post originally published on Somewhat Simple in August 2011 but was updated with a new free printable and images in 2018
Love these checklists!
Thanks Talia!
I am 27 years old and feel like I can never seem to fully get my house clean or tidy. College was s good excuse, then wedding planning and now I feel like I will never be clean if I cant figure it out before our first child is born!! This speed cleaning helped me actually stay focused for 2.5 hrs instead of getting side tracked I would remember the time was coming and I had to just hurry up to try to finish. I have never cleaned and felt like I actually saw results. I even dusted, did 2 loads of laundry (folded!!) And scrubbed my entire bathroom. Maybe my mother-in-law will approve of my home finally ???
Thanks for sharing…I’m so glad this helped! It’s amazing how much you can get done when you have a simple plan to follow. LOL, I’m sure your mother-in-law will definitely approve.:)
This is going to be a great help to me. My health has been failing (cancer and rheumatoid arthritis) so do not have energy to do a big house clean so things have fallen behind. I have have hopes the printable stuff will help me break down my cleaning into. Slots I can’t handle.
Good luck Cathy!!! I wish you the best!!!
Dear Steph,
Are you related to Dean/Diane Dulgarian? Knew them back in 70’s in LA. Wondered about them. Diane was lovely blond and you look like you could be her daughter. Just wonderin’, No connection other than your name, and the fact that you are also creative and clever.
Love it! I always set timers to make myself clean for X amount of time! I like the 10 minutes each thing though. I’m going to go try it out now!
Bless Your Heart!! You have no idea how badly I needed to find this post today, thanks! heading home to clean right now
That is such a great little way to get some cleaning done – I am going to try that!! Thanks
Let’s give credit to the Flylady who deveolped this dress-to-shoes, shine your sink strategy, years ago.
Same impulsive issue here, the photos drew my attention right away, and being a visual person I really like them. Marla, the Flylady, is a gift and she is always encouraging folks to tweak things to suit their own system. I really appreciate your one page, 10 step, system, thanks. And thanks for crediting the Flylady.
No problem at all! I love FlyLady- I just wish I could stick to all of her ideas! I go through phases of being really good at keeping my home clean, but then I fall off the wagon until I get a surge of motivation again. Thanks for visiting my site! 🙂
This looks a whole lot like a Flylady routine. Have we forgotten to give the due credit?
Nope- credit is in the 2nd paragraph of the post. I am a huge FlyLady fan!
(Sheepish grin.) I skipped the intro and jumped straight to the ten steps. Sorry.
I love your site btw…awesome ideas all over!
I do the same thing when I look at blogs too- the pictures are so much more interesting, so I skip the words all the time! 🙂
Great idea! 🙂 It’s almost like with toddlers, they can enjoy little 10 min tasks. I guess the basics really do work with adults too. 🙂
I tend to get side tracked with one thing after another, and then I stop and think to myself “OH right I was doing laundry” as I scrub the kitchen floor. lol 🙂
What a great post with an awesome step by step guide to staying focused on the task at hand. I seem to get sidetracked every single time I attempt to do a major clean. After two hours of “cleaning off my desk,” it’s still messy because I got sidetracked and worked on cleaning the inside of my desk, the bookshelves nearby, etc. No wonder I end up frustrated at the end because my boyfriend looks at the desk I said I would clean and I’m exhausted because my desk is still messy!
Thanks for the great idea and printout! I’m going to try implementing it into our evening pickup time. We already typically use the timer and I think my boys will enjoy the “race” aspect of it.
Amazing! Thank you for posting this, it’s just what I needed. 🙂
These are great tips. Thanks! I taught my kids to be “commercial” cleaners. When they wanted to watch a favorite show on TV, I would have them do a mad dash when the commercials came on. I was happy they were doing their chores and they were happy they weren’t missing out on their show.
Great hints! Thanks for sharing.
I JUST printed this out, and am gna put in on the fridge!!! So awesome, especially when you have 2 little ones to run after all day. Believe me, house does not stay clean longer than 2 hrs!!!
Thank you so much! xx
PS: I also have to start buying some candles as well…hehe. 🙂
I just printed off this great idea. WOW this seems fantastic! Im one to get side tracked!!! I’ll be trying this out ASAP!!! Thanks!!!
Thanks for the kick in the butt! 🙂 I have been procrastinating cleaning today and now I going to give this a try!
Great routine. This would work for weekly cleaning also. Hugs, Marty