If you’re thinking of taking the plunge into the blogging world, here are 10 blogging tips to consider before you get started.
Here are a few more technology tips we think you’ll find helpful if you’re starting your own blog- How to Add a Photo to your Logos, How to Change from a Blogspot to a Dot Com, and Best DSLR Camera for Beginners.
Blogging Tips for Beginners
Somewhat Simple was launched over a decade ago, and to say it’s been a ride would be an understatement. It’s taken me all over the world, introduced me to some amazing people, and allowed me to work with some pretty awesome brands.
Over the years I’ve been asked by my friends and family for advice on how to start a blog. The truth is, there is SO much I would do differently if I were to start over!
What mistakes did I make at the beginning?
What tools & tips helped me improve my blog over time?
Here are some blogging tips I wish I had known when I started blogging. If you’re a new blogger, maybe they will help you too!
Blogging Tips
1. WordPress vs. Blogger
Choosing a blogging platform is one of the first things you’ll need to decide on. I started on Blogger in 2006 and stayed there until December 2010. I LOVE Blogger but WP has more features, resources and plugins that make my site run smoothly and look pretty. Blogger is free, WordPress is not.
Here is my opinion:
- If you plan to be blogging a year from now and you want to earn money on your blog, go with WordPress.
- If Blogging is just a hobby and you aren’t trying to make anything of it, Blogger is just perfect.
In most cases, I’d recommend getting started with your new blog on Blogger. Make sure you like blogging and that you’re in it for the long term. Then, when you have saved enough money or when you start to see some consistent cash coming in, it might be time to think about making the switch.
If you are currently on Blogger and you’re wanting to switch to WP but you have no idea how to do it, save your pennies and hire someone. I tried making the switch 3 times on my own before I ended up hiring someone to do it for me and it saved my sanity.
I’ve been working with Robin from Grits Designs. She is not only one of the nicest people, but she’s also very knowledgeable and reasonably priced.
2. Criticism & Discouragement
Learn real fast to deal with criticism and discouragement because it happens to the most successful bloggers out there. I have been slammed on a message board for a project I did and it hurt my feelings.
On the bright side, it was a HUGE message board, so my traffic for the day was crazy high! I don’t like mean people, but sometimes you just gotta deal with them. The best way I have found to deal with them is to ignore them.
3. Put Yourself and Your Content Out There
It’s amazing when Google puts your content on their search pages and sends people your way. But don’t sit around and wait for people to find you. Here are a few suggestions on how to get seen:
- Social Media Marketing. Don’t feel like you have to jump on every social platform- find what works for you and go crazy with it!
- Pinterest is my number 1 traffic referral. Come up with a Pinterest strategy and make sure you are pinning all your content.
- Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok are great ways to get your content seen by more followers
- Instagram is a great way to share your content and connect with your followers.
- Starting a YouTube channel is a great way to get your video content seen.
- Start an email list. I have found my newsletter subscribers to be some of my most loyal followers. I use Flodesk – an email marketing service – to collect email subscribers from those that visit my site, and then I send a weekly newsletter to those that sign up. While social media algorithms may keep you from reaching your audience, your email list is the only thing you own that can reach all your visitors and everyone who chooses to follow you. It is the best way to get your blog posts in the hands of your target audience.
- Learn SEO. While search engine optimization might sound overwhelming, there are a few basic tips to keep in mind when writing your articles.
- Title Your Posts SIMPLY. Skip the catchy headlines and title your posts with the information you plan to present.
- Yoast SEO is a great WordPress plugin that can help get your posts ready to publish in a google-friendly way.
- Do Keyword Research before writing a post. Find out what people are searching for on that specific topic and make sure your articles answer their questions.
- Get Featured. Without being spammy, send a personalized email to the websites that feature other people’s projects and share some links to your projects that they might be interested in featuring. Offer to write a guest post on a topic you’re passionate about.
- Blog Swap. Ask other beginner bloggers to “blog swap” with you. When I first started, I set aside every Friday to blog swap with someone – I would do a project for their site, and they would do one for mine. It was a great way to introduce yourself to another audience and gain new readers.
4. Grow Authentically
Don’t expect overnight success. And don’t expect to get rich blogging. If money is your driving force, blogging might feel like a job and not a hobby.
5. Keep Your Priorities In Check
Set daily “business hours” and don’t overwork yourself. You will get burnt out and other parts of your life will suffer. I love being a blogger, but I love being a mom even more. I don’t want to look back on this time when my kids are little and regret not spending more time with them, so I set a schedule and I try my best to stick to it.
6. Pictures Matter!!!
In the beginning, I would spend hours and hours creating something blog-worthy and then I’d quickly snap a picture and post about it. My pictures were dark and small and they did not properly showcase how awesome the project was.
Your blog content is only as good as the images in your blog posts.
Stage your photographs, use bright, natural light and make your images as big and pretty as you can. If you need to edit your pictures, I am a huge fan of Canva and use it daily.
I’ve been spending serious time editing my old content to look nicer. It is time-consuming! Save your time and sanity and only put out quality content with high-quality images.
7. Let Your Personality Shine Without Being Too Personal
There is a fine line between no personality and too much rambling- but find the sweet spot and your readers will love you for it!
8. Don’t Rely on Blogging to Define Yourself
The sooner you realize your blog is disposable, the better! I used to stress over getting a daily post up, but eventually came to the realization that my life does not revolve around a post and neither do the lives of my readers! As much as I love to blog and it is something I am passionate about, I can quit blogging tomorrow if I needed to, and I like that I can say that!
9. Be True
Do what you love and stick to that. Don’t try to be someone you’re not, your readers will see right through it. And don’t compare yourself to other bloggers or try to pass their ideas off as your own.
Also, getting offered compensation to promote a company or product is always tempting, but make sure your post is your actual opinion, and don’t shove something into your reader’s face that you yourself wouldn’t try or love.
10. Make it Worth It
When I first started blogging, it was all just for fun and I posted whenever I wanted to. The virtual “pats on the back” from comments are what I worked for and they kept me motivated.
But as soon as I decided to be more professional and dedicate more of my time to blogging, I needed to make sure my blog was as profitable as possible. It is definitely a slow-moving process, but consistency is the key to blogging success.
Find your motivation – whatever you think makes it worth it – and keep doing your thing!
Here are a few income avenues to consider –
- Sponsored Posts – Join paid content networks and get paid to write articles. I’ve worked with Izea, Acorn, Aspire, and many more. (Do a google search and you’ll be surprised at how many options there are!)
- Join an Ad Network – You can install Google Adsense, or you can join an ad network that will manage all your ads for you. I am a part of the AdThrive/ Cafe Media network and I LOVE them! There are several reputable networks out there for beginners. Pick one that fits your needs and start earning money today!
- Ad Spots – Reach out to your favorite Etsy shops or local companies and offer to place an image and link to their website on your blog sidebar or on your social media platforms.
Things to Consider
- Make friends with your competitors. I’ve learned more from the people in my same blog niche through collaborations and weekend retreats. There is plenty of room for everyone on the Internet, and building a successful blog is more fun with friends!
- Install Google Analytics. This is a great way to track your success, and sponsors will ask you for specific numbers before hiring you, so it’s best to have a record from the very beginning of your site.
- Blog Design. Keep it clean and simple. Don’t pick a font or colors that make it hard to read. Choose a WordPress theme or Blogger layout with navigation options on your homepage (ie. a search bar and helpful links)
Blogging for me is my passion. It’s fun and rewarding and it’s nice to have an outlet to connect with like-minded individuals. I hope those of you who are reading this will get inspired to either start a blog of your own or keep working at the blog you have, but ONLY if you find joy in it.
The day I decide the fun is gone is the day I will take a permanent blogging vacation. For now, I am going to enjoy the ride and see where it takes me!
Most informative, it really help me to do better in blogging in future. thanks
You’re so welcome! I’m glad I was able to help you out!
Excellent post. I started a blog about 7 months ago. At first it was just to have an adult outlet, but I’m finding it to be something that I really enjoy. I don’t get many comments, but I like blogging and it’s something I’m willing to keep learning about. I recently started using Pinterest to share my blog post and I’venoticed a slight increase in followers since then. Great tips. I will definitely be saving this to my pinterest board!
That’s fantastic, how exciting! That’s exactly how my site started. I started it as a creative outlet and it just grew from there. Keep it up, I’m sure you’ll do great!
What a great read. Lots and lots of awesome info, thanks for sharing !
Thanks for the compliment Erin! Have a great weekend!
Thank you so much for the helpful tips! I have been working away on my blog for 8 months now and not getting anywhere. I hope I can implement your tips and start seeing more traffic
Thanks so much Samantha! Consistency is key, so don’t give up and you’ll get there!!! Best of luck!
Thanks for giving this honest, wonderful tips for new bloggers. I am just starting out and feel a little all over the place. You words eased my worry thoughts. Thanks again
Glad to help! Good luck with your blog Rachel!!!
Well, i stopped by and I like the style of your writing…. Simple and friendly! I am a beauty blogger and I recently started to monetize my blog. Patience and positivity are the keys… There is always someone that is ready to discourage us… And I am happy that you continued and succeed! Hope to be a full time blogger soon… Give me your wishes!
P.S. You are doing an incredible job. Keep up! Xoxo
Ahhh, thanks for the nice comment!!! Best of luck with your blog!!!!!
Super helpful!! I’ve been blogging for awhile but like you it was mostly for family. I only just recently upped my game so to speak. This post put some things in perspective for me. Thank you!
Good luck on your blog Kristen!!!! And thanks for stopping by!
Really great tips! I have been with blogger since the beginning and wondered what the benefits of WP were. Than for sharing with SYC.
Thanks for stopping by Jann!
Wow this is so helpful! I am a newbie blogger and so far I am loving it! Social media is the overwhelming part for me. I had just opened up all my social media accounts at once and had to learn each platform at the same time. Yikes!!!! Your post though is inspiring and encouraging and helps remind me that I am not totally off course as much as I second guess myself. Thanks so much!
Hi Kathleen, I am so glad you found this helpful! Good luck with your blog – I hope you have a blast! 🙂
Hello Stephanie,
Thank you for your list , it was really helpful. I’m launching my blog next month and I appreciate your words of wisdom! I also signed up for your newsletter.
Thank you,
Thanks Amy! I appreciate you stopping by! Best of luck with your site!!!
Hi. This is a great post. I started blogging 2 months ago and love it. I am researching posts like yours to learn from others experience.
Right now I think my blog is too broad but know thats okay. It will evolve with time
Thank you
Thanks so much for stopping by, and good luck with your blog! 🙂
Hi. This is a great post. I started blogging 2 months ago and love ur. I am researching posts like your to learn from others experience.
Thank you.
I suspect my baby blog is a bit too broad right now but thats okay it will evolve
I didn’t realize that your domain isn’t yours indefinitely. I’m trying to fix the problem and it’s literally driving me CRAZY?
Yikes. That is not good! Sorry you are dealing with that mess – good luck with it!!!
Do you ever check out other blogs and offer feedback? Because I would really love some!! I am still on blogger.. and thinking about staying but just buying my link.. bad idea? Thanks!
I wish I had the time to do blog reviews – it’s something I should add to my list ’cause I do love doing it! I did just take a peek at your homepage and it is super cute! I love the colors and design. The only thing I would suggest is to make your pictures as big as you can – fill the entire width of your blog posts! It might be worth taking down one of your sidebars to make your posting area and photos wider if you need. Just for reference, all the images on Somewhat Simple are 700×500 for horizontal and 700×1000 for vertical (well, the recent ones, anyway – don’t look in my archive, it’s scary!) Photography in blogging is EVERYTHING, so always try to share the images with the brightest and prettiest photography.
I think your content is great and you’re on the right track – just keep going! Good luck!
I really loved this! I’m also a SAHM and I’m learning a lot about blogging. I haven’t launched yet but all this information is so helpful!
Well best of luck with your site! And thanks for stopping by!!!
I loved that thank you so much!! So informative. I love how I can see your personality shine through as if I’m talking to you through this post.
You’re welcome Minaz! Thanks for stopping by – I appreciate your nice comment! 🙂
Very useful information. Thanks for sharing with us!
You’re very welcome! Thanks for stopping by Georgia!
As a stay at home mom for a year now.. I am looking for what makes me tick. I was a full time restaurant manager along with my boyfriend so I made the decision to stay home since 50 hours was not negotiable. That being said, I have wanted to start a blog for about six months now and have read probably over 500 different posts on how to do so.. every time I have left the post confused on blog words I have never herd of it would leave me more lost than I already felt.
This post has been the first time I have been inspired by what I was reading. Really want to thank you for that !!
Olivia, your comment made me smile! I am so glad to help – YOU CAN TOTALLY DO IT! If you’re just getting started, read this post – it might push you to finally pull the trigger! 🙂 http://www.somewhatsimple.com/how-to-start-a-blog/
Good luck!!!
Thanks for they tips.. My struggle is to try and stay intertsining. I can’t read long blogs with out getting sleep. So I try and keep that in mind when I blog. I went through wix and had ito designed by Shakeback design team. It turned out great. Now, figuring out how to reach people.
That is definitely a real struggle! And I wish there was some magic formula to guarantee a certain reach or growth of an audience. The only suggestion I have is to stay consistent in posting and you will eventually get there. If you LOVE what you are writing about, it won’t be hard to keep writing, even when it feels like no one else is reading! 🙂 Good luck!
This was very informative. I’m thinking of blogging. You gave me some things to think about.
Good luck Bonnie!!!
I am so glad I found this information! I am trying to get my blog site up and running but afraid to take the first step so I don’t do anything but research. Thanks for the push!
You can do it Debi! Best of luck!!! 🙂
Thank you so much for your insight! I’m dipping my feet into this blogging world and your tips are priceless. Any tips about creating more appealing backgrounds for free other than the stock photos offered on WordPress?
Thanks again!
Glad to help Chantal! And I am not a huge fan of the free stock photo backgrounds either. I like to use digital scrapbook paper in simple patterns. I Googled “Digital Scrapbook Paper – Diagonal Gray Stripes” and plenty come up like the one used in this background, or you can find a lot of “papers” on etsy for really cheap. Hope that helps!
Yes! This helps a bunch. Thank you. I can’t wait to try it! Your blog is so encouraging. I have 3 little ones under 3 so if you find the time to blog with 5, I know that I can do it too. Wishing you continued success ❤️
You’re so nice! Thanks for the compliment! And you can totally do it too!!! Best of luck!
I really like your writing style and I really liked your advice. Easy to read, not loaded with pop-ups, I’d be happy to visit here again.
Thanks Suzanne! I appreciate the nice compliment – thanks for stopping by! 🙂
Thanks for the tips! I’m in my 5th month blogging and it’s hard to not get posts up as quickly or often as I want. But I completely agree, being a mom comes first!
Definitely! Don’t stress – just have fun with it!
This is just what I needed! My blog launches in less than two weeks and I’m trying to do as much as I can but what I really need to do is have patience. Whatever happens is going to be! I just need to enjoy the ride and stay positive!
100%! Have fun!
This is so helpful! I have just been inspired to blog. Thank you so much! Keep it up! 🙂
That’s awesome!! Good luck Kimberly!!
Thank you Stephanie for your article and keeping it real. I have been tossing around the idea of possibly blogging. I repurpose vintage furniture to give my little company more exposure in the province I live. I am still tossing different directions on the way to go just a website or combination of blog and website. Thank you for your insight.
Glad to help! Best of luck with your business Tracy!
Thank you for your post! I am new to blogging and trying to learn the ins and outs while trying to make a little extra money on the side! I love the rest of your site and can tell you enjoy what you are doing! Thank you for sharing and keep it up!
Thanks Teresa! I wish you all the best! Good luck with your blog!
I have been following blogs for years and have just gotten the courage to take the leap and start my own. This was incredibly helpful for a (VERY) new blogger. Thank you so much for taking the time to share. Your insight is greatly appreciated!
As a new blogger I found this post so helpful! Thank you!
Thanks so much for these tips, I’m definitely going to use them! One thing though, I use wordpress and it’s completely free, what do you pay for?
You are probably using WordPress.com, where as I am using WordPress.org. Both platforms are “free” but with .org I have to pay for hosting. I think both dashboards probably looks the same and you will get to use the great plugins that wordpress offers. But from what I understand, until you actually pay for hosting with WordPress.org, you don’t own your site and you cannot put any ads or anything on your site. I just googled this to be sure and I found this article: http://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/self-hosted-wordpress-org-vs-free-wordpress-com-infograph/
It has the Pros and Cons of using the dot com and dot org. Hope that helps!
Hello Stephanie,
Oh my I am SO glad I stumbled upon your blog today (I’m a fellow pinner in the group board Flog Your Blog). It was so timely, exactly what I needed to hear. I’ve actually just printed it out so I can keep it on my desk to refer to. I’m at that stage where my blog is taking off and I’ve also just gone back to “school” to do a degree. So… some basics and a reminder on what to focus on is so timely. Your blog is gorgeous by the way. Your design work is perfect.
Love your pinterest boards too! Will email you now to request an invite to your group boards. So perfect for my blog. Would love to join in the fun. Keep blogging and doing what you do so well. x Yen
Thanks for the great info! I just started a blog 2 days ago & I’m realizing how much there is to learn!
Yep- there is a lot to learn, but it can be a lot of fun!! Best of luck Meredith!
Great post! It’s very helpful especially for someone like me who just started blogging 2 months ago. I’m pretty new to the blogging world, just started reading DIY blogs last year which inspired me to do all kinds of home DIYs. Thank you for your Blogging Help section!
You’re welcome Danielle! Best of luck with your blog!
Hi Stephanie:
Great tips! I wish I would have read this when I started 3 years ago! Love it and happy to pass it on to my followers! Best Wishes!
Hi, Amy! Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks for sharing! I pinned this to my board, Blog Tips from Real Bloggers
Thanks Kristie!
This was so helpful, Stephanie! I am just starting out in the blogging world, and you really hit the nail on the head with every point! Especially the “business hours” comment … in these first couple weeks I’ve noticed it’s easy to become a little addict and just want to add “one more post” or “fix one more thing” … and it turns into another and another and another. It’s important to keep balance!
Thanks again for sharing.
Thanks Erin! 🙂
Well said, Stephanie!! Thanks for all the great tips. I’ve had that realization, too, when I’m just trying to get a post done and published already – but then I remember that life goes on for my readers if they don’t see that post until the next day or the one after that (or ever!). So I try not to give myself any self-imposed deadlines anymore. The world always keeps spinning even if I take some time off! 🙂
Self-imposed deadlines are never good!! Besides sponsored posts that have deadlines, I say any post can wait!
Great ideas. I’m thinking of retiring and would like to start my own blog.
Do it! Blogging is so fun!
Thank you for sharing this Stephanie, I have thought many times about starting a blog but haven’t really known how to and I haven’t really even felt like anyone would be interested in what I have to say. But I’m going to try it!
Yay! Good luck!!!
I went from Blogger to WordPress. I actually used the Blogger to WordPress plug-in. It automatically transfers everything over. Then there is another plug-in to auto redirect your page — and it is search engine friendly.
These are some great tips and especially important for those who are just starting out with a blog and not sure where to go. THank you for sharing!
Thanks Korilynn! And there are some handy plugins you can use to transfer your content- you’re right! I had the biggest issues with the design! I could create anything for my blogger blog, but designing in WP was like reading a foreign language! That is when I decided to hire someone to do that part for me. 🙂
Stephanie, I SO needed to read this post. I am a rookie blogger, too, and as I was reading this, I felt like you were talking directly to me. You answered pretty much every question I’ve had and it was nice to hear that I really don’t have to post every day (I’ve totally been feeling that pressure!)
Someday, I hope to not have to ask my husband for money for his birthday present, too…what a great goal 🙂
I pinned this post and will be referring to it often, for sure.Thanks for all the tips, you are awesome!
Happy Easter!
Thanks Cara! I appreciate your comment!
Stephanie, I loved every word of this post! As a newer blogger I am soaking up all the info I can, and it can get a big overwhelming! I started out on Word press and out of sheer frustration went to Blogger where I have found things much much easier! I will def save my pennies to have someone design my blog for me one day! 🙂
Thanks for penning these words, it’s been very encouraging and helpful!
Thanks Cathy! I appreciate you stopping by! 🙂 I’m off to check out your site…….
Sure a great source of information. I really am learning things through your sites. Thanks!