Appliances need a deep cleaning every so often too! Here is how to clean your washing machine so it is shiny and scum-free, just like the day you bought it! These great cleaning tips for both top and front load washing machines.
How to Easily Clean Your Washing Machine
I know. I know. Laundry. *shudder* It’s bad enough, but when you heard that the thing that cleans the things gets dirty, you probably laid on your bed, pulled your knees close, and sobbed.
But we’re here to help you take some of that fear away! And hopefully these tips will help motivate you to GET.IT.DONE.
How To Clean A Top Load Washing Machine
Cleaning Supplies:
- 1 dirty washing machine (if you want to borrow mine, come on over!) 😉
- All purpose cleaner of your choice (you can even do the vinegar/Dawn soap mixture)
- Paper towels
- Old toothbrush
- Q-tips
- Hand towel
- Bleach + gloves (for front loaders)
Cleaning Directions For Top Loaders:
- Spray down the machine with All-purpose cleaner.
- Using your old toothbrush, clean all the crevices and cracks that would be hard to reach with just a rag or paper towel.
- Open your fabric dispenser and wipe down the inside with a paper towel and toothbrush.
- Wash the dispenser part in your sink with hot water. Depending on the build-up, you may need that old toothbrush again!
- Place the dispenser back in, wipe everything down (don’t forget that bleach dispenser!), and run the machine through a short rinse cycle with hot water.
- Sit back and relax at your new-found peace of mind that the clothes you’ll wash from now on will be For-Sure clean. 😉
Ready for some gross Before, but beautiful After photos?
All better! Who knew my machine could get so gross!
More Easy Cleaning Tutorials
- How to Clean the Oven Glass
- How To Clean Your Refrigerator
- Vent Cleaning Tips
- How to Clean Your Microwave
- How to Clean Your Stove
How to Clean A Front Load Washing Machine
Cleaning Directions For Front Loaders:
Front loaders have a tendency to grow mold under the seal. If this is a problem for you, you’re going to want to follow the first bleach steps for sure.
- Pour some bleach into a bowl, and while wearing gloves, place a paper towel into the bleach and make sure it’s soaked good.
- Place the paper towel under the rubber seal around the opening.
- Repeat until you have bleach-soaked paper towels around the entire opening (even the top).
- Let that soak for at least an hour.
- While that’s soaking, remove the soap dispenser tray, and wash in your sink with hot water.
- Using your all-purpose cleaner, clean out the opening where your tray was. You may have to pull out that old toothbrush!
- Once cleaned out, put the tray back in, and wipe down the machine, inside and out.
- With your gloves on, remove the paper towels from under the rubber seal. You may still find staining from the mold, but I promise it’s clean.
- Sit back and relax at your new-found peace of mind that the clothes you’ll wash from now on will be For-Sure clean. 😉
Ready for more gross Before, but beautiful After photos? 😉
See how there’s still some brown stains after the bleach paper towels were removed? That’s totally normal! And now so clean!
Tip For Cleaning Your Front Loader
If you don’t want that mold to grow back, I suggest you designate a hand towel just for your machine and do the following:
After every load, wipe the inside of the door dry, and tuck the top of the towel underneath the rubber seal to soak up the leftover water, and let the rest of the towel hang down in front. This way, the door won’t be able to close all the way. A closed door will make the mold grow and your machine smell musty. This towel trick will keep that from happening, and from kids accidentally closing the door even after you’ve told them a hundred times not to. *eyeroll*
The pictures speak for themselves, isn’t the transformation amazing!? I definitely won’t be waiting another 15+ years to do this again. I recommend cleaning your washing machine at least once a year (or just do the bleach paper towel trick if your front loader starts smelling musty). It’s a great task to add to your Spring Cleaning list!
About the Author: Anna is the creative blogger from Ask Anna. She loves to answer your household questions about cleaning, organizing, decorating and more! Anna was a monthly contributor on Somewhat Simple from 2011- 2012.
This post originally published on Somewhat Simple in April 2012, but was updated in 2018 with new images and front loading directions.
It’s good to learn that you’ll need bleach and Q-tips to clean a top-loading washing machine. My wife and I are looking to clean our appliances. I’ll be sure to get the items you mentioned to clean our washing machine.
Sounds good, let me know how it goes.
I cleaned my fort load washing machine with the techniques mentioned here and it really makes things easy and Clean!
Thanks for sharing Saura, I’m so glad I was able to help!
I liked that you pointed out that I should check under the rubber seal for mold every now and then. Thanks!
You’re welcome! I’m glad I could help!
It’s so important to keep your washing machines clean because they do the job of cleaning your clothes and fabrics in your home. Thank you for the tips on how to maintain a washing machine clean, and I will make sure to put them into action.
The best thing which ever happened to me was developing an allergy to even the most gentle of laundry soaps. So I made homemade laundry soap. It was bad news too. I’m allergic to borax and washing soda. The only thing left was baking soda. I started washing everything in it. After two weeks of rewashing everything in my drawers, half my closet, and all of my sheets, I finally don’t madly itch.
And the best part? My HE front loading washing machine is the cleanest it’s ever been after only two weeks. And no odor! The glass door used to get this gunk on it. No more gunk! I think that was soap residue mixed with body oils. And my clothes smell fresh and clean.
I use baking soda in the wash dispenser and white vinegar in the rinse cycle when I wash towels and washcloths, yet not every time as the vinegar can make them smell just like it.
Twice a month I use the sanitize cycle (My machine uses hot water and then heats it further.) on my washing machine. Before I used only vinegar in the rinse cycle and no laundry soap. Now I’ll use one cup of baking soda in the wash dispenser and fill the rinse dispenser with the vinegar.
I might even get away with a single sanitize cycle a month as I regularly wash white washcloths on a sanitize cycle about every two weeks. I use baking soda and vinegar in their respective dispensers.
Maybe I won’t need the sanitize cycle after my switch to baking soda as my laundry soap. I can see the changes to my washing machine already.
Incidentally, I avoid all scents as they can alter one’s good hormones and enhance the “bad” ones. They mimic estrogen.
That is amazing!!!!! Thanks for leaving this tip! 🙂
When I saw Q-tips in the list of required tools, I nearly cried! Am I about to swab my entire washing machine? No way! 🙂 Thank you for pointing out all the details that need to be taken care of. Never knew some of these even existed.
LOL, that would be a very cruel “tip”.:)
I was searching for how to clean the washing machine in a month. So I came to this article I really like it the way you have posted with the images. Thank you, Anna! for sharing this post.
I professionally clean homes and well one of them is an airB&B and they have front loading washers and dryers, which is 100% new to me. The little drawer that you pull out to put detergent, softener, etc is filthy. You have tips on how to clean that??
I will try this tonight. Thanks.
I have ran bleach through my washer twice and in the despencers also and it still smells like mildew and it gives me a bad headache. Do I need to replace my machine? What do I do?
No don’t replace it. Unless u clean the machine on a regular basis it will just happen with your new machine also. I would run vinegar through it or washing machine cleaners (Affresh) will help or there is a cleaner sold at Bed Bath & Beyond or The Container Store ( brand name Freshwave). I use fresh wave in my bleach dispenser when I wash pet bedding because it washes with soap first then bleach is dispensed during last minutes of wash. It leaves them refreshed and minty smelling.
What do you do with the newer top loading machines that have a lot of stuff automatic now? We had to replace our machine recently and this new kenmore one only fills with water with the lid shut. I tried putting it to fill and then pausing it but after a few minutes it auto-drains. I also tried using an empty 5-gallon jug to fill it with the lid open but before I reached the soap scum line it auto drained again DX
As for cleaning the tub. I suggest use the dispense to fill vinegar or bleach( which ever you chose) then choose a soak cycle. Maybe refer to your manual to see if it offers a clean washer cycle. There are washing machine cleaners that do wonders. The enzymes will clean as well as the suds help remove lint and dirt.
Bleach is a very toxic chemical, deadly to fish and wildlife. It should be avoided! Using the vinegar is a non-toxic alternative and safe for us and our environment!
I would suggest doing the fine cleaning of the lid and such when you are letting the vinegar soak for the hour, as opposed to while the bleach is sitting. Breathing in bleach fumes is terrible for your health. If you have a bleach alternative, use that instead. Peroxide would do nicely. If you still need a stronger bleach alternative that truly works, I’ll show you one you might like, plus many other safer for you products. I do education videos for a major manufacturer and can show you the line and how to shop factory direct and save a fortune while bettering your health.
Great hints – thanks
Another thing that wasn’t said, is, there is a space between the drum and washer itself. That needs cleaning as well. I do it every time I do laundry. I went to clean my girlfriend’s washer and almost threw up. Mold and slim lives there if left. Hence, why I do it every time. Now it’s just dust.
How do you get in there?
When I cleaned my washing machine the biggest hassle was the fingerprint stains in the soft plastic or rubber around the knobs. All the scrubbing and every cleaner in my kitchen couldn’t get it off. Until a magic eraser took it off in seconds. I always keep those around now
I keep getting what appears to be rust marks on my light colored clothes from the washing machine. Has anyone experienced this and how did you fix it?
You may have places in your machine where the enamel is chipped and it is rusting. Take a good strong light and examine the inside of the drum for any chips. You can buy bottles of enamel repair in the appliances section – it goes on just like fingernail polish.
Nice to find out how to clean the stubborn problems. Thanks!
I do that every month; pulling the dispensor tray out. I also clean where the dispensor tray goes back in. You will get buildup there too. Finally, below these dispensors is a little door. This should be opened. There is a filter that pulls out that should be cleaned. Also a hose where you take the tip off of and drain the water. This can really smell if not done monthly.
Ran a load of 2 tan slacks and 6 dress shirts with varied prints with my husband’s ballpoint pen in a pocket. Cleaned the washer and dryer. What do I do with the clothes? Is there any hope?
try goof off. It is usually near the paint dept.
I don’t know how it works after being dried in the drier, but I used to spray the ink from ballpoint pens with hairspray and then throw in the washer. The ink always came right out.
Rubbing alcohol will take the ink out of clothing. (And carpet as I had to do in my son’s room the other day….)
Do not use goof off it will eat plastic and can cause harm ( read label before using). Therefore if there is any elastic in your clothes it will dry rot. Rubbing alcohol or goo gone will work. I use goo gone. Goof off is more abrasive than goo gone. test a small spot first.
How can I clean the fabric softener dispenser in my HE top loader?
i actually just went in search of this same thing myself not too long ago. i kept noticing water would stay in the softener dispenser after the cycle had run. turns out is way easier than you think it is. if your he front-loader is like mine (mine’s an lg) there is a little indentation/button between the liquid bleach & softener dispenser areas that, when you push down on it, will let you pull the whole dispenser drawer out. then you can take the whole thing apart and give it a good cleaning in the kitchen sink with some dish soap. then just dry it and put it back. mine took me less than 10 minutes, start to finish – and it was *nasty* up in there!
What if we have the front load washers any suggestions
How. Do u clean a front load washer
I put half a cup of vinegar in every final cycle of my washing, it softens the clothes, rinses the last vestiges of soap from them and cleans the machine at the same time.
…I was thinking about this!…wasn’t sure if the clothes would smell…I hate the smell if vinegar but it does it’s job!
Not at all the vinegar is diluted. My grandmother used vinegar on my grandpa’s work socks. She used to tell me that his steel toed boots would make his socks stink & vinegar was the only thing that took out that smell. Boy was she right!!!
to get it really clean, you need to take it apart. you would not believe what is behind the tub. it is really nasty.
Love this idea and thanks. I will try it later on in towards the winter time as we are having a massive drought right now here in So. Cal. I sure would hope that people are waiting to try this as we are quickly running out of water!! This is a serious situation right now!
Wow, what a difference that made. I have an old washer too, I think I will try this. Thanks for the tip.
Is there a tip u can give me oh how to clean the dryer. I accidently left a pen or marker in one of my pockets and started my dryer, now there black marks all around the dryer inside 🙁 how can i get rid of them? Thanks
You can clean out the black marks with alcohol if it is from a Sharpie. If it is not from a sharpie, you SHOULD be able to clean the drum with vinegar and water.
Soak an old towel or two with bleach and then put them in the dryer. Works great!
Sometimes the white eraser sponges work well on those types of stains. My son exploded a pen in the dryer and now you would never know it.
I have an ecoconserve he washer that locks. Basically it only uses enough water to barely cover what is in the washer any cleaning tips are greatly appreciated.
Instead of using Clr or limeaway on rust, hardwater, or lime in a washer use The Works toilet bowl cleaner. Pour it in and let the washer run a normal full cycle with warm or hot water. You will be amazed. However do NOT let The Works come into contact with bleach as it will make toxic fumes. I know this because I clean appliances for a living. Its ALOT cheaper & does a wonderful job.
Anyone have any tips for the NEW machines on the market that hardly has any water and many have NO soaking cycle any longer?
I did this today and my 19 year old daughter saw me doing this and said, “Soooo, you’re washing the WASHING machine???? I didn’t know people do that!” LOL! But it does look sparkling clean now! Thank you!
I also use on my front loading washing machine Lysol Disinfecting Wipes. They hold up to the cleaning and then you just throw them away. The front seals on the washer, both the easy to get at one and the back one right against the tub collect a lot of dirt and if not cleaned will give off an unpleasant odor. The vinegar THEN bleach cycles are a good idea, but don’t really get the black dirt around the seals.
I live in the country and our water has a little rust in it, I use toilet bowl cleaner “Sno Bowl”. found at the dollar stores for 1.85 to clean the toilets and shower surround and shower heads, also the sinks and have used it to clean the washer, only thing I don’t use it on is faucets it will leave a dark mark on them, best and cheapest t take off rust
I am allergic to fabric softeners and use white vinegar in my laundry instead of softener. I use a 1/2 cup in the dispenser. I have never had a service call on my 24 year old washing machine.
I have stain marks on my rug that just keep coming back. I used everything…. rug shampooer n the spot cleaners.
Your instructions for front loaders does not work. My tub is stainless steel so does not keep any grime. Every other place with grime needs “hand detailing”. Even under the gasket. And the gasket is about the only place grime collects. What a pain!
Just did this and it didn’t work at all for me. Such a bummer. I think it’s because that gunk line is above the water line so the bleach and vinegar never reached it.
I do a vinegar rinse when I wash towels (I don’t measure but it could be 2 cups??) (I LOVE LOVE to do this because it makes the towels so soft without gunky fabric softener that makes them less absorbant)
It also simplifies the cleaning the tub part of the machine (do this on a regular basis, maybe no need for scrubbing the agitater ever)
I don’t like using bleach but I use oxyclean in almost every load.. 🙂
What are the appropriate times to use vinegar and bleach for a front-load machine? Are they used within one complete cycle? Pls advise.
This is truly a great tip for cleaning washing machines. Do you know if this will work on a HE machine?
Diane Roark
Im using it always for clean lot of things.. it’s great
Water and straight bleach make hydrochorlic acid. Bleach needs soap/detergent to balance the pH since soap is a base. I’d be afraid to leave the acid in my washer and pipes that long without a base to balance the acidic mixture.
I used to manage a swimming pool on the summers so the unbalanced acid when we scrubbed things down in the spring ate through a lot of clothing. Yikes!
EVEN EASIER: Pick up a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, scrub down the insides of the machine, then fill a large load with hot water and one cup of bleach. Squeaky clean! My husband and I are both military aircraft mechanics, and our dirty coveralls loaded with grease, fuel, and hydraulic fluid do quite a number on our poor washer.
Our machine manufacturer told me to use I cup of dishwasher powder & put the machine through a hot was. It works like a miracle
I have a front loader (the most common sort of machine I’m UK) and I periodically remove the soap drawer and put it through the dishwasher, scrubbing and stubborn bits off after with a dish brush (the sort you use for washing up). Can’t wait to try this vinegar then bleach trick (yes. I know 1 cycle, 2 product, don’t mix them!) as my machine currently has that mildewy smell so any tumble dried items come out whiffy. (It’s a washer drier) Thanks for the info.
does it matter if the step 1 if its hot or cold water? also with the bleach does it matter if its hot or cold water?
Yes, put it on the hottest setting you have, hot helps soften up the gunk and other stuff, so it can easily be washed away, so if you have a hot setting during wash and a hot seeing during rinse use it, if not wash it twice in really hot water,
Do we use cold, warm, or hot water when running each part of this process?
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With my Front loader I try to do at least two cleanings 2 X’s a yr. I just add bleach in on of those top compartments. which will be going for your cleaning and sterilizing part. Also add white vinegar where the softener usually goes. This will dispense at the appropriate time. Your machine will sparkle and then no chance of mildew smell!!. Also you front loader owners., be sure to keep the front door open to let it air out. And on the left hand side very bottom of your machine, use the hose and a small basin to empty the nasty build up of old water to empty it once in a while!
wondering how to get ball point ink marks out of a dryer?
WD-40 works wonders, or hair spray too
Just spray hair spray in the dryer? Do you run the dryer or just use it as cleaner? I have this problem too.
Will this eliminate the odors as well!! Mine smells it’s a whirlpool top loader. And I can’t seem to find a lint tray. Don’t all washers have a lint tray?
most older models do have a lint try but you would have to take it apart, just put it thur a wash with out anything but cleaner and bleach into it, put it on the hottest and longest setting you have, other then that I think it is on the bottom and I am not sure how you would get the hair and all that built up inside of the inside unless you might use drain cleaner, but I don’t think that is warrant to do that
Any suggestions for front loaders?
What will dissolve liquid fabric softener buildup? My machine has the fabric softener receptacle in the center of the agitator. One time I was taking out a blanket and the top came off and I discovered there was a thick waxy build up inside the agitator from the Fabric Softener… it’s really disgusting and I didn’t realize that the Fabric Softener was doing this… for years! The only way I have found to clean it out is to remove the top and run a cloth down the sides and scrape it out… Now I do this every few months so the build up doesn’t get too thick…
Any suggestions on alternatives?
if you have a top loader, did you all know you can unscrew the top off and pull out the agitator and use a sponge and mean green to clean all all those years of liquid fabric softner, I use to take mine out all the time, and if you get your husband to get the right type of grease for the shaft then you have it made, but let the oil or lubraicunt must be just for the washer shaft, but you you can take it out and wipe it down with mean green, takes years of gunk off in no time, I use to do this to my top loader, but now I am a major fan of front loaders, have had one for over ten years now, I do not go out of my way to buy all this and that to keep it smelling and cleaned , I usually put it thur a normal load with the detergent and bleach I put right inside of the drum of the washer and let it go on the longest setting of wash cycle I have, and I do use hot water, my set now has a wash out down on the left bottom, the LG I bought I just love it , I love my front loader and I clean out the hairs that get caught in the line and drain the excess water from the hose that is with the option on the bottom left, the newer front loaders come with a clean out section I clean it out every month as it says to, I am a neat freak on my washer and dryer anyway, I keep them spotless I can not deal with built up gunk on the inside or the outside I do not even mess with where you put the detergent in at, I just put it all in the drum of the washer unless it is fabric softner which I barely use seeing I like the sheets better
You can pour vinegar inside the fabric softener spot…let it sit overnight. Take a toothbrush and scrub it well. You can either soak this out with a paper towel, washcloth, etc. or you can pour hot water in the well until it overflows…then just drain it by turning your washer on the final rinse cycle and let it run.
I use about a 1/4 cup of white vinegar each time I do a load of wash. Simply put it in the softener dispenser AFTER you put in your liquid softener. Don’t use liquid softener? That’s okay, just put in the vinegar. Really keeps your machine clean and all the parts running smoothly. I do wipe down the inside, lid and all, regularly. Works great!! My mom got this tip from a washer repairman a long time ago.
One important addition to this- after you fill your washer each time ADD MORE WATER for the soak time. I add another gallon from the tap. The outer tub gets splashed above the water line and needs to be soaked as well.
Thanks such a very nice tips sharing of cleaning and organizing of washing machine.Its very informative and simple.
Use Shout to clean the build-up on the washer’s agitator.
Use Shout to remove build-up on the washer’s agitator.
You need to see this cool reusable lint cleaner! Just take 10 seconds now to see it live at
my machine tub is steel tub. do u advise the same method for steel tubs? i hope it won’t harm my machine?
great and easy ideas. Very simple to follow. Thanks for sharing it.
Hi i am wondering if you know how to clean front load washer?
If you have a fairly new front loader, like mine it has a door on the left bottom so you can clean out the tub gunk and hairs that get clogged in the tub, but there are chemicals that are made just for front load washers to put thur a cycle to wash out the gunk that builds up on the inside, I myself I just use bleach water, and then rinse it with a bottle of vinegar, a regular bottle, not a jug ,it smells better and looks fabulous on the inside, plus it won’t have that puke smell when you open it up
Hi, living in a foreign country where i don’t understand the language is hard – i bought bathroom cleaner thinking it was bleach. I realised when I poured this into my washing machine to clean it. Will this wreck the machine?
I don’t think it will ruin your machine, but if you put it in with your clothes it might ruin your clothes. The machine should be fine.
Immediately rinse the bleach with vinegar. Then watch.
This method also works for the dishwasher. I put 1 cup of vinegar in my Pyrex measuring cup and run a cycle then run another cycle with 1 cup bleach.
Today, I went to the beach with my children. I found a sea shell and gave
it to my 4 year old daughter and said “You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.” She placed the shell to her ear
and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear.
She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is entirely off topic but
I had to tell someone!
If you take two tablespoons of white vinegar mix it in a cup of hot water, then pour it into the seashell and let it soak for five minutes, then rinse the vinegar hot water solution off with bleach, that should eliminate your hermit crab problem.
LOL!!! We are currently on vacation at a beach and this totally made my day. Thanks! (Give your daughter a hug for me) 🙂
True story? Tell it again, please!
Great ideas ! We have a septic tank so can’t use bleach as it destroys the good bacteria – I use vinegar and elbow grease. Also service tech showed me how to clean the lint screen using an sos pad to remove crusties from fabric softeners (which I don’t use anymore –there are Natura clothes that you leave in the dryer and they don’t have heavy fragrances and are reusable) be sure to support the lint cleaner if it is curved like mine. Hope this helps !
i would like to know where is the lint filter on a machine that does not have one that is visible?
If you are talking about a dryer (because I don’t think a washer has a lint filter, at least not a hidden one) then maybe look inside your dryer on the back. I had one that was on the back wall of the dryer, it was round, had two holes for your fingers…just pull it off. If that doesn’t work, look your dryer’s manual up online. Good luck.
This did absolutely nothing for my machine. Still looks like your before pics.
I am having this same problem, after the soak it still looked like the before so i tried the next step of scrubbing with a sponge and Iv destroyed my sponge trying to scrub it off, I am using straight white vinegar.
Thanks for the post, unfortunately the people that have a front loading washing machine need to use other methods to clean effectively. found that the below mold removal methods have worked for my front loader, I hope it helps all of you too.
Fill a dishpan with one liter of hot water, 1/2 cup baking soda and 1/2 cup vinegar. Remove any parts that are meant to come off like the detergent drawer or fabric softener dispenser. Soak them in the dishpan for 10 minutes before scrubbing them and rinsing them under a stream of cold water.
Mix another batch of cleanser in the dishpan with one liter of hot water, 1/2 cup baking soda and 1/2 cup vinegar. Dip a scrub brush in the solution and use it to scrub the area in around the fabric softener and detergent dispensers. Scrub the entire interior of the washing machine and door.
Fill a spray bottle with the cleansing solution and use it to spray hard to reach areas of the washing machine. Let the cleanser sit on the washing machine before rinsing it off with a second spray bottle of clean water.
Put undiluted bleach in a empty spray bottle and use that to spray any areas that still aren’t mold free, or clean. Allow the bleach to sit for a few minutes before scrubbing it and rinsing it away with water.
Put the detergent drawer and fabric softener dispenser back together. Pour two cups of bleach into the basin of the washing machine. Set your washer to the highest heat setting and longest wash cycle. Allow it to run through to complete the cleaning process
I take out the detergent tray after every wash session and let it dry completely. I use q-tips to make sure the inside where the tray inserts is clean. I suppose you could use vinegar on the qtip. All of the detergent trays I have seen come apart which makes it easier to clean.
I also insert a wash cloth at the bottom of the rubber seal to absorb the excess water (I inherited this machine in our new house and miss my Duet!). I never close the door to the machine. Don’t spend a lot on the front loader cleaners! They are basically bleach and you can run bleach through a cycle without clothes. Using the washcloth has made running bleach through a rare need. Keep the door glass/plastic clean.
I use baking soda (non-edible huge size at Costco) in every load and it helps with odor and brightness. I never use dryer sheets! The blue dryer balls really do work! If I feel the load needs a real softener, I use a little liquid softener in the wash. A little goes a long way. I used to be a dryer sheet addict. Glad I broke that habit!
Thanks for all of the great advice!
What if you have a front loader washer?
I also learned to take the lint filter from the dryer, using a toothbrush or scrub brush with a tad of detergent to scrub off the film that lint filters, bounce, etc. leave on it. Takes less time per drying cycle now!
if you have the long brush that gets down and dirty inside of the lint hole, take a fabric softner sheet and rug it all over your brush, it will act as a magnet and suck out most of the ling, if you lint filter needs to be cleaned, use a used old toothbrush and use water and vinegar, let air dry and your good to go.
simple… pour One bottle of Toilet Bowl cleaner into machine , fill with water, run WASH cycle for 5 minutes, then switch OFF for One to Two hours to soak, then restart WASH cycle and run till completion…..Your done, and Your machine is CLEAN 🙂
This sounds like a great and easy idea, but I looked it up to see if I could find any other info, good or bad, on this and I couldn’t find a thing. I would love to try it, but I just worry about if there is anything in there that would damage anything (pipes, machine, hoses, etc.) Would be great if I could get this done in one step rather than taking hours like this program does. Can you give anymore info on it? How many times have you done it? No problems with machine/ hoses since you have? How did you come about this solution? Would love to know more. Thank you.
Toilet bowl cleaner is meant for vitreous enamel and can harm other surfaces. I know from sad experience.
Is this safe for steel tub machines?
Lime away, and CLR would be just as good a solution then toilet bowl cleaner, that could damage plastic parts and kind will start to pit them and make them like crumbly soft teeth, Hope that helps out some
When you fill up the machine, should you use cold or hot water? Thanks!!
On other sites they have said to use HOT water. I am about to do this and am using hot water and my HEAVY DUTY cycle.
I think it would really be best to use cold water, or warm, Not so sure about hot cause sometimes using HOT will set in stains, just be careful and do what you think is the best, if you need to I would look at what all you can do on the internet, but really HOT water usually sets a stain then it would remove it, so be let it known I told you this
Will bleach do the work? instead of using vinigar…
Bleach works as a broad spectrum disinfectant only (and only at the correct dilution). Hard water build up is calcium carbonate (Limescale) which is dissolved by acidic substances such as vinegar or lemon juice. Be careful never to use bleach on aluminum / certain plastics / veneers as it can seriously damage them. Vinegar / lemon juice is much more environmentally friendly and once rinsed does not leave a nasty taste in the mouth either! ~ AON on the Yahoo Answer Page
I think this is the best answer…
Hi, I love your website and it has some great tips on here! I just wanted to add a link on here because I am concerned about the bleach and vinegar being used so close together.
Please don’t use bleach and vinegar together! It is very toxic.
Instead of bleach, try using two cups of hydrogen peroxide or powdered oxygen bleach. Much safer for the environment and you! Plus it can be used with vinegar without the toxic side effects. I do this about once every four months and it works great.
I would NOT use bleach If you have well water with either iron or lime in it, using bleach will actually cause your whites to look a grayish/red dingy looking. I am with one poster who said to use Borax, yes Walmart still sells it, and I would definably use TIDE without the bleach, see bleach leaves a residue when it is used by different waters, my friend has a well water, the water is actually quite good, but when she washes her towels or clothes, she lets them sit for a while in fabric softner, I am not so sure why but when they get dried the tend to have this mildew smell, and she only lets it sit for about ten minutes, I would definably use vinegar and not bleach, try the borax and I have this problem thinking, that if your water comes out red, how do you drink it, do you have a busted water line somewhere, I would try to use the most inexpensive method first, and no hard chemicals at all, I am not into getting my clothes clean using strong dangerous cleaners, but I do know this much, do not use normal house hold bleach it will make your whites take on a grayish look to them, and especially if you use under arm deodorant trust me, that will show up in no time cause of the zinc in it I think
update::: I was just thinking that if you can use CLR on other things like coffee pots, shower heads, why not use it in your wash on the white, colors and dark, it would work just as good as any other cleaner if NOT better, I would definably give it a try, what do you have to lose
I have alot of red dirt around our area. We have a well, so the red color from the clay comes through our pipes in the water. The showers, totlets, washer, and sinks. So far to clean up I use LimeAway Shower, it’s the only thing that I have found to really clean. Any suggestions, I hate not having White Clothes, they have a brownish tint to them. Thank you
Have you tried borax? I buy it at walmart or whole foods.
Hi… I don’t known if this will work for you, but I did a comparison cleaning day and divided my white laundry into four loads and used four different methods. They all came out clean, but one batch stood out in how much brighter white it was than the rest… I used a half a cup of oxyclean and a cup of vinegar in addition to my usual laundry soap.
Good luck!
Hi… I don’t known if this will work for you, but I did a comparison cleaning day and divided my white laundry into four loads and used four different methods. They all came out clean, but one batch stood out in how much brighter white it was than the rest… I used a half a cup of oxyclean and a cup of vinegar in addition to my usual laundry soap. (Make that pure white vinegar.)
Good luck!
Tang gets spaghetti sauce out of dishwashers, might work for a washing machine too.
Do they even still make that stuff?
Yes. Walmart carries it.
I use a product called bar keepers friend it is a substance like comet cleaner but follow directions and it will whiten all whites and colors too. I also see no need in using vinegar if you use bleach in the washer to clean. Bleach will do it all.
I have the same problem. I went to Lowes and bought a whole house water filter for about $100 bucks. I had a plumber install it and I change the filter about once every 1 to 2 months. Clay in water problem solved!
I have the best trick for that! Purchase a ‘whole house’ water filter. If you or your spouse have any knowledge with plumbing, it’s very easy to set it up yourself. I even purchased a stainless steel filter for the hot water. Even though all the water is filtered first by the Whole House filter, the water that is directed to the hot water system will collect rust and what-not from the hater. So, with this filter attached after the the water is heated to the hot water line you will be amazed at the cleanliness of your water. Do this and then fill your tub or Jacuzzi. The water will look beautiful with a shade of light blue. That’s the true color of water!
The next thing you may want to do is get a Reverse Osmosis Filter for your drinking water and coffee pot and for cooking soups or vegetables. Now, we are talking about a Healthy Family with clean clothes!
I agree!! Whole house filter and reverse osmosis is the only way to go no matter where you live!!
Have you tried “Iron Out”? When we were on well water, whites would come out terribly dingy, but using Iron Out took care of those icky whites and other light clothes.
When I had well water that left my whites dingy I used iron out( found in the plumbing section at Wal Mart) Has a slightly unpleasant odor and you need to be careful not to breath in while adding it but the odor is gone after washing and your whites look amazing!!
Sorry but if it is too dangerous to breathe…I sure dont want it on my clothes! I’ll stick to Vinegar, much safer than bleach too.
Stanley makes a product that takes the red from iron out of your laundry…I would wonder if there is one for the clay as well.
Try iron out. My son plays baseball and when he gets his white pants covered in red clay, iron out works good to clean them.
Margie Limeaway is a good product, but CLR does an even better job.
Lowes sells a product called Goof Off. It took the rust from my sprinklers off my house. It would prob work in doors, but read carefully. It’s pretty strong smelling. It is very reasonably priced, about $7 or $8 for a galloln.
My grandmother lived in western Oklahoma, known for the really red dirt. She used a product called Blueing (sp) to whiten her whites. They were on a well also, but the water wasn’t red. I suspect that your water may have a high content of iron. Good luck.
I have the same problem, you cannot use anything with chlorine bleach as the iron just reacts and makes ugly orange stains that are almost impossible to remove! I have found that a product called iron out–I buy it at Walmart. It is by where the plumbing stuff and the drain opener is. It does a really great job-the tank of the toilet sparkles, you can use it on clothes also! Give it a try!! Bet of luck.
Mixing Bleach and Vinegar is completely dangerous! Perhaps you should think about this before using this method of cleaning…
Thanks for the post! Just finished cleaning the machine. Looks great and minus that “smell”!
Will this help clean the very top of the wash basin, right under the rim? I stuck my head in the other day to grab a sock stuck at the bottom (after the spin cycle stopped, of course) and looked up to see black gunky stuff all up under the rim. I tried running an empty regular wash cycle with detergent and bleach and then scrubbing it but most of the gunk didn’t come off. Anyone have any other suggestions? Thanks.
Would apple cider vinegar work?
after going through step 3 and 4 will the washing machine bleach the clothes?
I’d just like to reiterate how dangerous it is to mix bleach and vinegar. I strongly suggest you re-word your instructions with a warning to make sure the two don’t ever combine. That being said, vinegar and baking soda are wonderful ways to clean almost anything naturally. Thank you! 🙂
Joy is correct on this… Mixing the 2 releases a dangerous gas which can be toxic! Also, I am confused by the hype about cleaning with vinegar and baking soda, separate sure! But mixing seems stupid to me. One is an acid and one is a base. They would neutralize one another. Just a thought.
After some research… It seems I am correct in my theory! Science FTW! 🙂
A little explanation on vinegar and baking soda solutions! Hope this helps!
My husband is a heavy equipment mechanic so my washing machine gets very dirty very quick, I wash in vinegar then bleach all the time. Is there any extra that I could use to cut the grease a little better?
I recently cleaned my washer with hot water and bleach. I now have a musty smell that is driving me crazy. When I wash clothes my clothes they do not stink. Its just the washing machine that smells. I was thinking about trying vinegar, but I am scared it will leave a strong smell of vinegar. I am having company comming in a few days to stay a week and I do not want it smelling like vinegar, or that nasty musty smell. Please help!
Have you tried the commercial products for taking the smell out of front loaders? It works for top loaders as well. I had this problem, used some, now keep the lid open when we aren’t using the machine, and the smell hasn’t come back.
Very great how-to article that will definitely keep your washing machine looking like new! I’m sure many people do not clean their washing machine because they figure that the detergent will clean it and boy are they wrong. There is a noticeable difference between the two!
My washing machine is clean, however i’m curious about the object in the middle that spins that clothes around (insert the proper name for this here). There are times after i wash clothes, i find pieces of fabric coming out of the holes in the side of the middle spinning device. My Washing machine has a twist-off top part that i always clean out (it’s never been “dirty” just some very simple/light cleaning with like 1 paper towel). Is there any way to take that middle spinning device apart to clean? I’m not even sure if it needs cleaning, just curious.
Bummed mine didn’t come any cleaner! but i guess it is cleaner, just not visiably!
Just wanted to thank you for this great tip! My husband and I are moving to our first home, but we want to leave our apartment if the best condition possible. (When we moved in all the appliances were brand new, so I thought we would have quite a task to bring everything back to like new condition.) This idea worked like a charm- I just wish I had found this sooner! Love your blog and all your tips. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Excellent post. I was checking continuously this blog and I’m impressed! Very useful info specially the last part 🙂 I care for such information a lot. I was seeking this particular information for a very long time. Thank you and best of luck.
Great article! It really helped but I was wondering if you had any advice for rust spots in the washer?
Here’s a post that I wrote that includes how to get rid of rust stains: . You actually use vinegar so after the vinegar soak I’d give those rust spots a little extra scrubbing and it should take care of them! 🙂
Just finished the vinegar soak and wiping down. It doesn’t look any different. Is this because of hard water?
It could be, or from years of build up. I poured straight vinegar on an sponge and scrubbed mine and that made a huge difference.
Good luck!
Thank you so much for this tip! My boyfriend’s clothes always have mud on them, especially his pants and it makes our washing machine dirty sometimes. This will definitely help and hopefully using baking soda instead of bleach will work just as well.
Does it matter if I use Hot, Cold, or Warm Water?
Thanks for the tip. I have my softener dispenser is horrible inside. I couldn’t really see a tip to clean it after the dispenser part is taken out to clean inside the agitator. I can’t get my hand inside it. HELP!
When I snapped off the fabric softener dispenser and took it to the sink to deep clean, I noticed a ring that snaps down to attach the softener dispenser to the agitator. I snapped this ring up and found hardened fabric softener inside. WOW! I’m sure this had never been cleaned. It was soo nasty! Now my washer is sparkling clean – going to use the baking soda/water paste to deep clean the tub and shower stall next. Thanks for this – found on Pinterest.
As a paramedic I must add: NEVER mix bleach and vinegar. The mixture causes chlorine fumes which can be fatal or cause serious breathing issues. Be safe. Never mix any chemicals.
I was going to say the SAME thing! This is dangerous! Stick to either the bleach or the vinegar. Donot use both!!! Even if you don’t die, you could cause serious lung damage.
I know you are never supposed to mix bleach and vinegar but if I use bleach in the bleach dispenser one day and vinegar in the main comparment the next is that okay because the bleach has already dried and evaporated?
Are these suggestions safe for high efficiency washing machines?
Yes they are. You can also check out this post that one of my readers found for me:
i’m very happy, my washing machine smells refreshed, but i’ve got a problem, now my mahine is leaking on beneath! Can it be because of the bleaching?
My sister-in-law advised my to clean the filter andnow my mashine is as newborn! I didn’t know how to do it, but I’m relieved and satisfied 🙂
Oh good! 🙂
Thanks! The last cycle is running now!
Woo-hoo! 🙂
How do you get the mold out of the rubber gasket on the front loading washing machine?
I don’t have a front loader but one of my readers sent me this link for cleaning them. You might want to check it out.
I did not see anything on cleaning a front loading washing machine. Any hints for that one? And the grime that gets in around the barrel on the front loader? Thanks! Emily
Emily here at the end of this post I talk about how to clean a front loading washing machine: . This is also a great article that one of my readers found on Real Simple’s website:
I hope that helps! 🙂
Wow! I am looking forward to trying this ASAP 🙂 I didn’t notice if you recommend cold or warm or hot water for the soak of the wash tub? Does it matter?
I used warm water but I’m sure it doesn’t make a big difference. I’m just to cheap to pay for all that hot water. 🙂
The problem is the soap scum in the inside of the drum. I can only reach inside so far, but what I have come up with is not nice. Do I have to take the machine apart to take care of this? Can I take it apart?
I should add that this is a combination washer dryer (stacked). Not my choice but that’s what is here.
I’m sorry, I don’t have any experience with stacked washer/dryers. I would only take it apart if you are confident you can put it back together, might want to call a washer/dryer shop and ask them about how to clean it.
Sorry I can’t be more help. :/
Great post! Hope you don’t mind but I linked this artical on my blog
I am doing a post on spring cleaning and great cheap ideas 🙂 This def makes the cut!
I did this & was thrilled. BUT, for some reason, my washing machine smells REALLY musty! I don’t know if water sloshed over the edge and is now in a spot that doesn’t drain or something. Any tips why I have this awful musty odor after cleaning with vinegar & bleach? I did remove the lint trap and clean that before doing the vinegar & bleach.
My washer was very mildewy smelling for a long time, and I tried bleach and everything else to clean it, but it didn’t get rid of the odor. I read a tip that you should leave the top open between washes until it dries out, so I’ve started doing that and have never had the problem since.
I missed a green crayon in my daughters pocket and of course it got washed…the water was so hot it melted the crayon on the clothes and the washer tub…will this method help with getting the crayon off the tub and the clothes?
I’m not sure how to get the crayon wax out of your clothes but I would wipe the washing machine out with a magic eraser to remove the wax from the tub. Magic Erasers are great for getting crayon wax off walls so it should work beautifully on your washer. After using the ME on the tub then you can use the above instructions to finish cleaning the washer.
Good luck!
So many years of struggle cleaning my washer machine!!!!!! thanks for this tips.
You’re welcome! 🙂
Hello. My washer has been leaving dingy spots on my whites. Do you know if this cleaning tactic will help resolve this problem?
I would definitely try this. I also wrote another post on my blog about cleaning the filter part of the washer. Here is the link: . I would try cleaning the filter as well. Cleaning the washing machine inside and all around, should take care of the dingy spots problem. If not then let me know!
I had to call a repair man because my washer was leaving oily spots on my clothes. He took out the agitator and I was shocked. It had a grease buildup like a car engine. He had me run Tide through it a couple of times and magic – it was gone. He said even if I didn’t use Tide to run some through about every 6 months to keep it clean.
This worked so well! I just did it today, and am thrilled with how easy it was. I’ll be sharing a link to this with my readers!
Just did this today–even though I should be packing for our week-long drive, or finishing getting a wedding gift ready, or something like that. At least it will make doing laundry more pleasant, as that’s on my to-do list too 🙂
Haha, sounds like me. 🙂 Anything to procrastinate a little longer on packing and doing laundry!
FABULOUS tip! I have use vinegar (and bleach) but never together and I haven’t let them soak. I’ll be trying this today! 🙂
Awesome! How did it go?
Will hard ward build up stain also go using the baking soda tip. Please help, the water is so hard in the neighborhood where i live!
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It might help but the best thing for getting rid of hard water stains is the vinegar. Here is a post I wrote awhile back, it will help you with your faucets too. 🙂
This is great! I live in a rental house so who knows if the washer has ever been cleaned….it smells horrible! I can’t wait to try this!
I never even thought about rental washers! Make sure you add a some baking soda the vinegar soak. It will help to eliminate the odor.
Just what I needed! I’ll be sharing this with my readers, too. Thank you!
Awesome! Thanks Jamie. 🙂
I soooo need to do this….thanks for the tips!
You’re welcome!
Wow! I’ve added vinegar to it before, but I didn’t let it soak. This looks so much better! And I never thought about using a q-tip to clean all those little hiding spots for dirt. Thanks for the tips! Can’t wait to clean it when I get home.
I had to go look inside my washing machine after reading this post as I am so unobservant about things like this! Who would have thought that you needed to wash the tub but sure enough I am going to have to use your suggestion and give her a good washing!
Haha, that’s funny. 🙂 I bet after cleaning it you WILL notice how clean it is!
Wow — it looks brand new! I’ll have to keep this in mind and do it every year when I spring clean. Thanks so much for sharing.
You’re welcome! I was pretty amazed at the results myself. I didn’t think it would ever be white again! 🙂
great! Thanks so much for sharing Ive been wondering this for so long!! My washer needs a good cleaning esp with my husband’s work clothes (hes a mechanic) my question is how do you clean inside the aggitator? you know that open part on the top? Mine wont come off 🙁
Rhiannon if you’re husband’s clothes are greasy I’d recommend throwing a 1/2 cup of baking soda in the load when you wash his clothes. Baking soda will cut through the grease and make washing his clothes a little easier on your washing machine. As far as the center part, I wrote a post on that awhile back. I didn’t think mine came off either until I wrote this post. Here’s the link:
I hope that helps!
Ah-Ha!! thanks sooo much for this! I am going to try it this weekend before laundry saturday!
I wanted to add with mechanics a great way to cut through grease without harming cloths as well is adding a little pinesol to the wash. It works great. Cuts right through the grease.
I’ll this also remove ink and furniture lacquer? From inside the washer? I need help asap!
my husband is a mechanic also, and my washer and aggitator are N-A-S-T-Y! can’t wait to try this method, thank you!
(found this on pinterest!)
Just this week I was wondering how to go about cleaning my washing machine. How wonderful it was to read this post!! One thing though, bleach gives me migraines. What would you recommend to use instead?
I would 1 cup of baking soda in the water instead. Baking soda is so versatile but one of the things it’s very good at is whitening! If you can’t ever bleach your whites because the smell bothers you, throw 1/4 cup of baking soda in the washing machine when you run the load of white clothes, it will keep them sparkly white. 🙂
I use peroxide instead of bleach. It works really well, and there is no odor.
This is awesome! Definitely added to my weekend to do list!
Awesome! Thanks Sarah. 🙂
Dumb question! will is get rid of fabric softener build-up? I have teenagers that don’t know what measuring means!
That’s not a dumb question at all! The answer is yes it will! However if your washing machine is already pretty clean, just has a layer of softener build-up, you can mix together a paste of baking soda and water which will cut through the grime. Use a sponge and coat the washing machine barrel with the mixture, let set 5-10 minutes and then scrub clean. Fill the washer up and let it run through a cycle before washing any clothes, just to make sure all the excess build-up has been washed out.
Do you know you don’t have to use fabric softener at all? The grime on your washing machine that the fabric softener leaves, is also left on your clothes… yuck right? Baking soda and vinegar are a good replacement to soften and super clean your clothes, I use Method dryer sheets that are reusable, help get rid of static cling and leave a fresh scent without being cloying instead of something like Bounce which also leaves a residue.
Something that I discovered about big brand name detergent companies like Tide… the chemicals they use for their soaps actually cause stiffness and static cling! Which requires you to buy & use fabric softeners, save yourself the $200 (or more) a year, you’ll feel better without all the harsh perfumes, you’ll be helping prevent water pollution (fabric softener is terrible) and your clothes will feel better and last longer.
Ah! I love this post!!!!
Thank you Stephanie. 🙂
It makes me wish that cleaning my bathtub was that easy!
It is! You can use these same steps to clean your bath tub OR you can mix together a paste of water and baking soda and scrub the tub with that. Either way will have your tub sparkly clean in no time!
I use my sons supersoaker squirt guns to clean our shower/bathtub, not sure it is the easiest method but it sure makes it more fun.
Great tip!! Thanks for sharing! I am sure after this warm humid summer mine will need a good washing!
You’re welcome Tonia! 🙂
Thank you so much for this advice. I have been wondering how to clean my washer. It has a grime ring and it is disgusting. I’m going to give this a try.
You’re welcome Jessica! You will love the results. 🙂
I would love to do this on my washer tomorrow, but I am not sure what temperature setting the water should be on? I only have “Cold, Warm Cold, Hot”???
I run mine on “hot” when I do this.