15 creative tooth fairy ideas + 5 clever excuses why the Tooth Fairy forgot to come!
I had to have a pretty crazy oral surgery today- does anyone want to be me right now?
I tried hard to keep my eyes shut and think happy thoughts the whole time, but wouldn’t you know I got an assistant in training so the Dr. was narrating the entire procedure!!! Hearing things like, “I’m going to have to cut a bigger flap” and “Suction that piece of tissue there” was not easy to tune out!!!
So since I have “teeth” on my brain right now, I thought it was about time I shared this list I compiled MONTHS ago of fun tooth fairy ideas. (Much better than featuring pictures of mouths, right?) 🙂
Tooth Fairy Ideas
1 || This tooth fairy letter set is a great way to celebrate the first, second or last lost tooth!
2 || Tooth Bunnies from Inchmark.
3 || This might be the cutest Toothy tradition ever! Color the glass of water after your child falls asleep, leave glitter on the floor etc. All the details are darling! From How Does She.
4 || Girly tooth pillow from MMMCrafts.
5 || Printable Letters, from Anders Ruff.
6 || Glitter and Money Balloons, from Sugar and Charm.
7 || These teeny wooden fairy boxes from Stubby Pencil Studio are what I have, and I love them!
8 || Make a Fairy Door, from Smart Bottom Enterprises.
9 || Tiny Letters from The Tooth Fairy, from We Have Kids.
10 || Felt Tooth Pillow from Martha.
11 || How to best document a toothless grin, from Simple As That.
12 || Printable Fairy Check, from Mom4Real.
13 || Tooth Box, from Little Red Window.
14 || Tooth Receipt, from Capturing Joy.
15 || Tooth Pouch, from Purlbee
Excuses to Use When the Tooth Fairy Forgets
If your tooth fairy is like ours and forgets to come all the time on occasion, here are some excuses you can use to buy her some more time!
- The Tooth Fairy was on vacation. Just like all jobs, she is entitled to a few vacation days a year, right?
- Your bedroom was too messy. She said she will try coming back as soon as things are neat and tidy. 🙂
- You went to bed too late. She had to wait and wait and wait for you to be in bed and fall asleep, but it put her behind schedule and she couldn’t wait any longer. She’ll come back tonight at 9pm, so make sure you’re in bed by then!
- She was SUUUUPER Busy. A lot of kids lost their tooth yesterday and she couldn’t get to all the homes in one night.
- Your tooth came out early! According to her schedule, your tooth wasn’t supposed to come out for another day, so she was planning to come tonight!
*This post originally published in March of 2012 and was updated in February 2018. My mouth has had 6 years to heal from the oral surgery mentioned above, and things are back to normal again… just in case you were wondering! 🙂
Here are a few more ideas we think you’ll love –
These ideas are so great! I’ve definitely used excuses number 4 and 5 before, and my kids were totally fine with that. The first time we forgot, the following night we left a teeny tiny note and my son was thrilled. Each time after that, he said he hoped the tooth fairy would forget again so he would get another note. In fact, he’d rather have the note than the money! SO adorable!
That is SO cute! I love when kids get excited over the little things!! 🙂
Ouch! Hopefully you are feeling much better by now! I love your ideas! The little tooth bunnies are especially cute.
Hello Stephaine,
I hope that you have a speedy recover from the oral surgery procedure. I am with you, I hate going to the dentist and oral surgeon, eeekkk. Just so happy that it is now behind you, woo hoo.
Smiles, Paula
I can’t believe you had to sit and listen to the play by play, how awful! I hope you’re starting to feel better. 🙂
Hope you feel better soon!
I love stopping by here and linking up each week! I hope you feel better soon!!
Wishing you a fast recovery!
Kelly @ herringbone lane
Ooooh, I hope that you are feeling better soon. I like your tooth fairy ideas post.
you poor thing! hope the novocaine wears off quick and you feel better soon!
Sorry to hear about your dental procedure… Mouth pain is terrible! Your tooth fairy ideas come at a good time– my oldest is starting to lose his first tooth and I haven’t figured out pillow options yet. Hope you’re feeling better soon!
There is NO WAY I’d sit through a tooth procedure while hearing stuff like that! I’d beg for headphones or something! My daughter is having her first 2 teeth pulled on Tuesday so your tooth fairy stuff comes at a perfect time!
Oh my goodness – poor you! That’s sounds like one of my worst nightmares. I hope you heal quickly!
I hope that you are feeling better! Megan
Great tooth fairy ideas!
Oh I am so sorry to hear about your surgery! Mouth pain is the worst. I hope you get feeling better very quickly! Get lots of rest. 🙂
Wow! That sucks about your surgery! They really should have given you ear plugs for that – yuck! Hope you are feeling better soon. 🙂
Hope you are feeling better soon. It’s no fun when mommy is not feeling good!
I hope you are feeling better soon ~ sweet dreams (no tooth fairy!)
sorry to hear about your surgery. i had a root canal done last week, and instead of narrating as your dentist did, what mine was doing was talking about all kinds of other things with the assistant so i wasn’t sure if she was concentrating on how she operated on me. not a good feeling either! hope you’ll feel better soon!!
Oral surgery is no fun! Hope you heal quickly and feel better soon. Thanks for sharing a place on your site for us to share crafts.
Hope you are feeling better soon! Thanks for hosting the party anyway! :0)
Steph let me guess – a gum graft? I had 3 done last summer and the healing process is the worst but it did prevent me from eating so much! Here’s to a fast recovery.
How fun to see my fairy dust idea here! I had to do a double take. 🙂 Thank you so much. I hope you feel better super soon. Sounds terrible…
Sorry about your oral surgery! I hate going to the dentist for anything, especially visit that require extra work. I bet you’re glad to have that over with! 🙂