Grab some art supplies and let’s make Birthday Cards for Foster Kids! This fun family service project will help bring joy to children in need!
Looking for more family-friendly service ideas? Here two we love – Donations for the VA Hospital and Host a Diaper Drive.
Each week during the summer, the kids and I try to do one small act of service for a neighbor, a friend, or someone in need. To come up with some fun ideas, I bought a book titled 52 Weeks of Fun Family Service. Making birthday cards for foster kids is one of the many fun ideas that Merilee Boyack suggests doing with your family… and it was SUCH a great activity!
My little kids didn’t even know what the foster system was, so this activity provided a great opportunity to discuss those in less-fortunate situations, and it gave us a chance to try and make their birthdays a little more special. Here is how our day went –
What is a Foster Home?
We started first with a discussion about foster homes. I explained to them that not all children are as blessed as they are to have a home with a family and that many kids are put into a Foster Home and are watched over by other people. Some foster kids don’t know what it is like to be loved or have friends and many of them do not get to celebrate their birthdays. When I suggested that we take the time that day to make these kids some cards for their birthdays, my kids were all over it!
Making Birthday Cards for Foster Kids
- cardstock
- scissors
- pen
- crayons/markers
- watercolors
- glue
- embellishments – stickers, stamps, ribbon, buttons, rhinestones, etc.
- small envelopes
- 1 large manilla envelope (for all the cards you make to be shipped together)
- stamps
- a birthday cake or ice cream sundae ingredients
- First, you’ll need to track down an address of where to send your cards when you’re done making them. I did a quick Google search for foster homes in my area. I found a children’s foundation that dealt directly with the foster care system. I called the number and spoke with a lady who gave me an address that would take the cards and distribute them.
- With all your fun supplies at hand, it’s time to make your cards! Fold your cardstock in half, or cut it to be your desired size, making sure it will fit in a small envelope. Don’t forget to write a sweet birthday message and sign your name + include any information you want to include (age, grade, city/state of residence, etc.)
- Make sure your cards are completely dry before putting them into their envelope. Don’t seal the envelope as it will need to be inspected by the foster care facility to ensure proper delivery.
- Place all your small envelopes into thew bigger manilla envelope, and address it to the foster care facility.
- Place the correct postage on your package, then drop it in the mailbox!
- End your service activity by celebrating everyone’s birthday! You can eat birthday cake, make an ice cream sundae bar, or take the easy way like we did and drive to your favorite ice cream shop!
After we finished the day my 8-year-old said to me, “Mom, doing service is fun!” …and I think so too!
I am very interested in sending b-day cards to Foster children. How would I go about doing that?
It’s been a while since I’ve looked for the address that we used here in Arizona, but I did a quick Google search and found this website that looks reputable and it seems they have a lot of ways to help support foster kids –
I love this idea and hope to incorporate it into my summer! It looks like I’ll be looking for this book soon! Thanks again!
I adore this idea! We were foster parents for 3 years and adopted out oldest daughter after fostering her. I love, love, love this idea and I think you are incredible for doing this with your family and sharing your experience. I am so inspired!
As a new foster mom. I thank you so much. We have two young foster daughters right now and wishing every day that we see an email come through that we could take more in. It is great that people that awareness of foster children’s needs are growing. Thank you so much.
I also love the idea of a service project weekly. I think we will be applying this in our home
from someone who aged out of foster care and didn’t get anything on their birthdays–thank you. thank you for caring about the kids who get left behind and thank you for setting an incredible example for your children. youre amazing!
another GREAT idea is for kids that age out of foster care…….find out if/what your state agency does for them and then see where you can help…..Finally our area started giving them a going away lunch with gifts to ‘get started’ on……bedding, dishes, etc……some used to leave with just the clothes on their back and because they had ‘aged out’, the department couldn’t help them anymore. This is a great idea for your YM/YW groups, as well as Christmas gifts for this same age group; everybody wants to buy for the cute little babies……foster kids are as diverse and as normal as all kids, like any kind of jewelry, music, books, etc…..and the teens are the ones that have the fewest donations at the holidays.
another great idea-my kids would love this too!
I love, love, love this post. In fact, I’m going to tweet and fb about it! I follow you through my blog “Calling All Sleepyheads” but I also blog for KidzRAP. KidzRAP(Kidz Reaching All People) is a non profit group that equips families to help those in need. We have a website that features a hands-on monthly project, with step by step instructions and talking points, all in a downloadable pdf for free. It’s so in-line with your series! Thanks so much for teaching your kids to serve others!
Thanks Stacy! I am glad you liked this post so much!
Cutest idea yet Steph! This really is such a great idea and I’m glad that you’re a blogger that cares about helping others.
Thanks Ema!
What a great service project! We adopted four foster children and little gifts that they could call their own are so important to them. Thank you for the great post. I love the idea of a service project each week. Are you going to have more ideas for this in your Summer of Service?
I have invited other bloggers to share 1 service idea each Monday this summer, so stay tuned! And thanks for fostering those 4 kids- I definitely admire foster parents!
What a wonderful thing you’re doing. I love the idea of your Thoughtful Thursdays and am excited to talk about service with my own kids. We’ve already discussed volunteering, etc., but I love the idea of doing a weekly service project. Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome! Getting the kids involved in service is good for them! (And good for me too!)
As a foster mom, I thank you for that!
You’re welcome Becky! Thanks for fostering those sweet kids- I admire foster parents so much!
I’m “borrowing” your thoughtful Thursday title! It fits perfectly. My husband and I lead/host a bible studie at our home on Thursdays. This summer our group is cooking in the park for who ever might want/need a burger. The kids and I can do a morning service project and then go as a family in the eveningto serve at the park. I’m so excited!!! Looking for the book today.
Good luck on your own “Thoughtful Thursdays!” That park activity sounds like so much fun!
Thanks for teaching your kids about what it is like to help others! We are a foster home, just got our first “placement” and are loving it. He came the same week our biological son did so I have “twins” 13 years apart. It is our hope that others will see how being “foster parents” is not such a bad thing (we are a young couple with 2 young children and a farm) and will consider it themselves. We love it!
Congrats on your “twins!” I think being a foster family is such a great and selfless thing to do. Every child deserves a chance in life!