Create a simple, yet darling, Christmas Wish List with your kids. Give them something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read.

Santa Wish List Idea
Several years ago, I was introduced to a great method of making a Christmas wish list with my kids. This list for Santa keeps things simple and still makes the holidays very special. Most of all, it makes them really think about what they want to ask for. Ever since then, we’ve been using this list idea and I love it! We tell our kids they get to make a Christmas wish list that includes:
Something you want, Something you need, Something to wear, and Something to read
(I love a good rhyme to keep things easy to remember!)
Making A Christmas Wish List
Each year our kids will get a big gift from Santa and we also buy a couple of things for the whole family, like board games and movies. They also buy small gifts for each other and the grandparents always come bearing gifts. However, from mom and dad they only get 4 things under the tree and we call it good!
Because we love this idea so much, we decided to create a printable that’s simple yet darling so each of you could enjoy this awesome idea as well!
- Santa letters + gift tags (download below)
- Pen or marker
- Scissors or paper cutter
- First, print of our darling letters and have the kids fill them out.
- When it’s time to put the gifts under the tree, print off the tags if you’d like, cut them out with a paper cutter or scissors, fill in the name, and attach with tape or ribbon to your gifts!
- Stay sane this holiday season. 😉
If you are more of a visual learner, here’s a quick video explaining this idea –
More Great Christmas Printables
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- Toilet Paper Roll Nativity Craft
- 12 Days of Christmas Tags Free Printable
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Christmas Wish List Printables
Everything stays organized, simple and fair with this list. Plus, it adds variety to the presents under the tree!
Hope you enjoy and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
This post originally published on Somewhat Simple in December 2012 and was updated in 2017 with new printables and images.
Any chance you still have the file to the old version of this Santa list? It is the one that I have used for the last several years and now I can’t find it.
I’m so sorry Sarah – we don’t have the older version anymore. Sorry about that! 🙁
I’m posting this idea to my healthy living blog. Thanks!
I’m glad you like it, Merry Christmas!
I’m a grandma and I have a Grandson he is 4 years old my oldest daughter passed away. Have a 5 year old Granddaughter she stays here with me and a 1 year and 9 months granddaughter my Daughter lives with me I can,t work got fired cause I couldn.t stay focused I lost my 15 year old daughter she was murder. Don.t have the money too get them Christmas need help to get them Christmas.
My 10 yr old stepson used to compare the number of gifts he got to my daughters gifts and even though it was even, he would ‘price’ each item to see if he got more or less. Christmas was always stressful and hectic trying to match up gifts and prices so that he wouldn’t feel left out and my daughter didn’t feel like we were denying her requests to appease him.
We simplified things by getting them each two identical gifts each from mum & dad – not gender specific and getting one thing each from Santa. Granny always brings them stuff in pairs and anything else will be a surprise. We used to have gifts stacked up against the wall under the tree and it seems they took it for granted and would say what they really wanted was…and the price matching went on for hours.
These days its much simpler and I think DSS is finally getting the message we’ve been saying that Christmas is not about how many gifts you receive and how much they cost.
I do like this wishlist idea though!
Thanks for this! Merry Christmas! 🙂
I saw this last year but had already purchased kids Christmas gifts. This year will be the first year to do this. It seems like my kids get so much that they don’t appreciate what they have. I want them to realize that Christmas isn’t about how much stuff you get and that they don’t get things just because they want them. My boys are 6 and (almost) 3 years. This printable is very cute and I do like the extra line for Santa to bring an extra gift. 🙂
Thanks Faith! Have a Merry Christmas! 🙂
Thanks for sharing! I love this and have re-pinned, shared and printed! Really helps to have a list like this to keep things simple and meaningful for Christmas! And we like to give new PJ;s each year- so that will be our something to wear!
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Thanks Colette! I am glad you like this idea! Merry Christmas!
How can I print this wish list? Love it.
I really like the want / need / wear / read idea, but I am bowled over by the “from mom and dad they get 4 things under the tree”.
My kids (7 and 5) make a list each. I circulate it amongst relatives and honorary relatives who want to give them something and need ideas. (And for overseas ones I often get to buy and wrap the gifts as well.)
The kids get one big present each from Mum and Dad. They get a Christmas stocking from Santa, which keeps them occupied and reduces pressure to open main presents until the grownups are good and ready and any visitors have arrived. (The stocking has small things such as puzzle or colouring books, bouncy ball, the kind of things you’d put in a party bag, stickers, pens, plus an apple, chocolate, nuts and always a coin for the piggy bank.) Then they get whatever other people give them.
And they write thank you letters, which is a task in itself but worth it. The first year we did it my youngest just got to sign her name on a letter I wrote, then she graduated to ‘Dear xxx’ and her name, and now they are both big enough to do the whole letter themselves, although I provide a sample to copy.
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For the holidays we like to put our tree and decorations up right after thanksgiving and wrap presents as early as possible so that we can spend as much time possible spending our holidays with family.
We draw names instead of buying gifts for everyone. It simplifies the gift buying tremendously!!
Love your site – Great Santa Wish List idea. I keep the holiday simple but special by making as many gifts as possible, saves money and yet delights those receiving it. When the kids were small we opened one gift christmas eve which was a PJ set – then we sat around eating finger foods and had a great story telling night. Now that kids are gown, we get on our PJ’s, fill our cocoa cups, and drive around looking at the beutiful Christmas Decorations in our community – return home to finger food and a night of chatting and catching up on everyone. Merry Christmas everyone!
My biggest thing is do as much as I can before the actual week of christmas so its not so busy then!
I keep things simple for our family by not making too many commitments.
We’ve been using the 4 gift rhyme for years, it helps simplify the shopping and the bill paying in January!
I simplify the holiday season by doing my Christmas shopping throughout the year. I try and buy things when they go on clearance, even if it is a year or two before they will be big enough to play with them. It makes it so I am able to spend the season going to all the fun things around the valley with my family.
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I’ve been following P&G on facebook for awhile. I love their products!
I simplify the holiday season while still making it a special time of year by planning in advance. I try to keep my eyes out for sales of good gift items throughout the year. This way I don’t get caught in a last minute rush and can get gifts that people really enjoy!
I focus my planning on making the holiday special for my daughter. Everything else can fall by the wayside. It’s all about the magic of it for her 🙂
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I keep it simple. Lists help a lot and I have learned that not going overboard helps EVERYONE!
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I try to simplify by getting as much gift buying/wrapping done before December as I possibly can! It’s much more fun to buy gifts without being stressed about it 🙂
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i simplify by not worrying about getting it all done. starting early on projects helps, but if my cookies never get baked, it’s still a merry Christmas!! 🙂
I try to get my shopping finished up as early as possible but if I need to go out for something I do it on weekdays and before school and work gets out if I can. Trying to shop on a weekend with so many people out takes away all of my holiday cheer!
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I simplify by buying gifts in advance and by sticking to just a few favorite traditions.
Wow, simplify the holidays! Well, my fav is that we only buy parents and kids not our siblings! this takes away so much stress!
I also do a huge cookie exchange that gives me so many varieties!
I give gifts to husband, son and daughter but we draw names for other family members that wish to join in and we set a price limit. This helps for anyone that may feel the hardship of buying for everyone and we keep the price limit within reason. The best part is just being together!
I have liked the P & G page and Somewhat Simple page on Facebook and am now following you on Twitter. Thanks for entering me in your contest. Happy Holidays!
I start baking/cooking extra at Thanksgiving and keep extras in the freezer for quick /easier meals when things get crazy!
We keep things simple at Christmas by drawing names for adult gifts instead of going crazy buying something for everyone.
We’ve always tried to keep things simple and very Christ-focused at Christmas, but with a super-tight budget this year, it seems to be much easier! One thing I’ve done is come up with a new tradition, The ANGEL on the shelf, which I wrote about on my blog…
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I simplify gift giving by making a lot of the gifts I give – more work but I get to spend more time thinking about who I’m giving to and why and I get to spend less money.
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We make the kids make a top 5 list and that is pretty much what they end up with. We also do not exchange with the adults in the family.
We buy for all the kids under 18 for my husband’s family. Quite often I will pick a similar gift or a “theme” for the year to simplify the choices on what to give them.
We try to simplify by getting the kids a few books and things they can be creative with instead of buying a bunch of toys. Thanks for the chance to win.
We simplified by enjoying Christmas Eve driving around enjoying other’s outdoor decorations!
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I start planning my shopping list a month or two in advance so I can start watching prices so I can snag a deal whenever possible.
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I’m done with all of my shopping! I have to get that of the way so I can enjoy the month of December with my family!!
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Instead of running around crazily shopping during the Holiday season we get done before the season even starts. That way w can spend time watching holiday movies, playing games, baking cookies and enjoying each other.
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We always keep Christmas simple, and try to teach our kids not to get caught up in the commercialized hype. We put CHRIST back in CHRISTmas by serving others.
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To simplify this year I’m cutting down on decorating and gave myself a deadline of Dec 16th do be done shopping and wrapping so I can enjoy once the kids are out of school.
I actually use that same 4 present rule and it really makes shopping easy! My kids enjoy the variety as well. They also know that Santa isn’t real but they get three gifts in their stocking as if they were from the wise men. It works for us.
I try and wrap gifts as I purchase them, then Christmas eve can be spent watching movies on the couch with my sweeties.
I love your santa list idea! We simplify things by making and buying gifts throughout the year so that once December hits, we can focus on family and activities and keep things low key
We keep it simple by stressing homemade gifts and the value of giving.
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We try to spend as much time with our boys doing simple things like watching Christmas Movies!
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I tell my kids they can ask for three things in their letter to Santa, and he will bring one of them. We get them one thing and they get one thing for each other. We also draw names with our extended family. Less gifts to buy and wrap = less stress. 🙂
We actually do a lot of our Christmas buying throughout the year. When we see toys on clearance or on sale we will pick them up if we think one of our kids would like it. Usually, by Christmas time we have a pretty good stash! Plus, we did not pay full price for any of it! 🙂 Target has really great toy sales in August and Jan. after each season.
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We try not to get too carried away with gift buying and instead enjoy the holiday!
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lol yeah 😛
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We simplify our holidays by keeping the traditions our family started years ago. Since my parents are no longer with us, I try to carry on their recipes. My Mama loved to bake candies and cookies and thankfully I have all those recipes. I also make a breakfast casserole the night before and we’ll just slide that in the oven in the morning. I do everything I can the day before to save the time on Christmas Day to enjoy with our family and friends. Having our families recipes make each holiday special for us. We feel as if they are right here with us!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I try to simplify around this time of year by making different batches of cookies and freezing them. I can take the cookies out of the freezer and then create cookie plates for when guests arrive. I also keep cookie dough I make ahead in the freezer so if guests are on the way, I can pull out the dough, scoop, and bake (no need to thaw!) and have fresh cookies for our company! 🙂
I simplify entertaining by making sure that my pantry is stocked with easy antipasto items, and only using tried and true recipes. Nothing invites frustration like trying out a new recipe with guests on the way. Only the classic recipes make the cut for holiday entertaining.
I love that rhyme! I wish we had started that years ago. It’s too late for this year(the presents are wrapped and ready to go,) but definitely something to think about for the future. Thanks for sharing and for hosting this terrific giveaway!